9:30A WALKWAY: Join us for a special walkway this morning as we celebrate Christmas Eve together!
10:00A SERVICE: As always, you can expect a time of vibrant worship and a Bible based message.
WORSHIP ONLINE: For those who are unable to meet with us in person, we will continue to stream our 10:00a service on YouTube Live (link below).
Nursery Care: Check in downstairs in the check-in room (across from the playground). New and unsure about checking your young one in at the Bridge Nursery? Pop in and say hello! We are happy to give you a quick tour and description of the care provided, as well as introduce you to the morning’s Nursery Care Workers.
Children’s Ministry (PreK thru 5th Grade): There will be no Sunday School today, as it is a “Family Sunday!” All children K thru 5th are encouraged to attend the service with their families!
Middle School Ministry: No MIddle School Ministry today - all Middle Schoolers are invited to attend church and celebrate Christmas Eve with their families!